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About MoboMath

MoboMath is a handwritten equation editor for creating and modifying math expressions. The equations you write can be used in a wide variety of applications for documentation, calculation, or graphing.

In MoboMath, you normally write with a stylus on a tablet device. As you write, MoboMath displays your handwritten input as digital ink while silently converting it to a formatted math expression in the background.

You write math expressions just as you would in a notebook or on a whiteboard. After writing each expression, tap the Enter toolbar button to see the formatted result. If there are any errors, you can correct them using MoboMath's editing tools.

Once you have a formatted math expression, you can copy or drag it to other applications like Mathematica, Maple, Word, MathType, or MathMagic. All expressions are translated to the correct format for the target application you select.

A MoboMath window or document can contain as many expressions as you want, each in its own region. As you enter expressions, you must convert each one to formatted math before starting to write the next expression.

If you don't have a tablet

Although MoboMath is optimized for use with a tablet, you can also write using your mouse, trackpad, or a specially-designed trackpad stylus if you don't have a tablet available. However, your results may not be as accurate.

How MoboMath works

As you write, MoboMath analyzes your input using patented math handwriting recognition technology. Unlike the handwriting recognition in the built-in ink tools on the Mac, MoboMath understands both the structure and meaning of math input, including special math symbols and positional relationships between the elements in an expression. This allows your equations to be accurately calculated and plotted in applications like Mathematica, as well as being included in technical documents or on web pages.

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