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Erasing handwritten input

As you write, you may want to erase all or part of what you have written, either to correct an error or to clear your expression and start again. Depending on what you want to erase, you have different choices.

To erase using the stylus:

  • If your stylus has an eraser tip, you can use it like the eraser on a pencil to remove ink strokes.

  • If your stylus doesn't have an eraser tip but has one or more buttons on the barrel, you may be able to program a button to act as an eraser when pressed and held.

To erase the last stroke:

Tap the Undo toolbar button. You can continue to tap Undo to remove earlier strokes.

To erase all your handwritten input:

Tap the Clear toolbar button or choose Clear Ink from the Edit menu.

After your expression has been converted to formatted math, use MoboMath's editing features to erase or modify it.

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