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Copying and pasting

In MoboMath, you normally copy completed expressions into other applications, but you can also copy within a page or to another MoboMath document window.

Copying and pasting can also be used to move expressions from other applications into MoboMath for editing. Refer to the help topic for the application you are using for details.

Copy always copies the entire expression, even if it has an internal selection.

To copy an expression:

  • Tap the region containing the equation to select it.

  • Tap the Copy toolbar button or choose Copy from the Edit or shortcut menus.

To paste an expression into MoboMath:

  • For best results, choose Paste from the shortcut menu. This centers the expression near the upper left corner of the menu at your original cursor position.

  • Tap the Paste toolbar button or choose Paste from the Edit menu. In this case, MoboMath will choose where to paste the expression.

In many cases, it is easier and more precise to drag an expression from another application or window instead of using copy and paste.

Related Topics

Dragging text to a new location

Using your expressions in other applications