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Dragging text to a new location

Dragging is an important editing tool in MoboMath. You can drag a character or selection:

You can also drag an expression or region:

Dragging behaves differently depending on the destination.

To drag a character or selection within a window:

  • Place your stylus on the character or selection and hold the stylus down while dragging the text to the desired location.

  • Drop the text into position by lifting the stylus.

MoboMath temporarily displays a line as you drag, but it is automatically erased when you drop the text into place.

If you drag to an illegal position within an expression, the drag will fail and the line may be left on the screen. If this happens, erase the line and try again.

To drag an expression or region to another application or MoboMath window:

  • Place your stylus anywhere inside the border of the region containing the expression. The region is automatically selected.

  • While holding the stylus down, drag the expression into the target application or window.

  • Drop the expression where you want it to appear by lifting the stylus.

A line is temporarily displayed until you reach the edge of the window. When you leave the window, the line is automatically erased and the familiar Mac drag cursor is displayed.

Many applications also let you drag expressions into MoboMath for editing. Refer to the help topic for the application you are using to see if it supports this feature.

Related Topics

Copying and pasting

Using your expressions in other applications