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Using the Edit menu

You can use MoboMath's Edit menu, shortcut menu, and toolbar to perform normal editing operations like Cut, Copy, Paste, and Undo.

Other commands in the menus and toolbar are unique to MoboMath or have specialized behavior.


Clear can be used to delete any of the following items:

The Clear toolbar button deletes these in order - first ink, then the selection, then the region - depending on your initial editing state. To avoid accidental deletions, Clear Page is available as a separate toolbar button.

Both the Edit and shortcut menus give you a choice of exactly what to delete.

Promote and Demote

Promote and Demote move the current selection between baseline, superscript, and subscript positions. Both are special cases of moving text to a new location within an expression, which is normally accomplished by dragging.

Starting with the expression a2 with the 2 selected:

You can use Promote and Demote repeatedly on a selection to move it up or down.

Add Parentheses

Add Parentheses is useful for validating the structure of an expression that you plan to evaluate numerically or algebraically. It adds all the parentheses needed to completely define the grouping of operations and the sequence of calculations. For example, adding parentheses to


results in


You can remove all the parentheses after adding them by choosing Undo, or you can delete specific pairs of parentheses using other editing options.

Next Alternate and Show Alternates

Next Alternate performs the same function as tapping a selection to get the next suggested recognition result. The Show Alternates dialog lists all suggested results for a selection and allows you to choose one.

Related Topics

Clearing and deleting

Dragging text to a new location

Requesting alternate results